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    Bienvenue a Anglais 30-1

    Old Stack of Books

    You can contact me by email at


    or by telephone at 780-465-6457 ext. ...

    Vous pouvez me contacter par courriel au


    ou par téléphone au 780-465-6457 ext. ...

  • Introduction to English 30-1

    Course Description

    Learning about one’s self and one’s place in society is a long and arduous task.  Who knew it would be so laborious to understand the person we spend so much time with: our self?  As we prepare to embark on a new journey, one without the walls of high school and the restrictions of home, it becomes even more important to understand ourselves, but also others.  What is the true nature of humanity?  What is the human condition?  How does personal reality and perception differ from others?  How will we fit into our world?  What do we need to know to be successful?  Or better yet, what is success and who determines this?  This course will attempt to begin an exploration and dialogue that will hopefully help to answer some of these questions.

    Throughout the English 30-1 course we will attempt to explore and understand the human condition, mainly through a variety of text.   We will study novels (fiction and non-fiction), short stories, essays, poetry and song, one modern play and/or feature film, one Shakespearean play and visual and multimedia text.

    Integral to the course is the notion of text creation.  Through text creation students are able to develop thinking, both creatively and analytically.  By responding to what we study we are able to learn and to demonstrate our learning.  Students will create a variety of responses including personal responses to text, critical and analytical responses to literature and other print and non-print texts by using a variety of print and non-print forms including prose (factual and fictional, informative and persuasive), poetry, script and multimedia presentation.

    Course Outcomes & Aims

    This course is designed to meet the Five General Outcomes prescribed by Alberta Learning:

    1. To explore thoughts ideas, feelings and experiences
    2. To comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts
    3. To manage ideas and information
    4. To enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
    5. To respect, support and collaborate with other 

    An academic grade 12 course requires a consistent commitment. You will always be reading, writing and thinking about what you have learned.  It is expected that students will take ownership and responsibility for their own learning.  It is also expected that students will seek out assistance when necessary and work with a great deal of independence. But, also note that this course may seem overwhelming at times; please speak to me as soon as you feel that you are not able to stay above the “water line.”  Together we will work to find solutions that will benefit you. DO NOT be afraid to seek assistance at any time.  As your teacher and partner in this course, I hope we can create an environment that is both challenging and enjoyable!

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